ashmir is on the move. The Jhelum is shrinking, the Wular is turning into marshland and the Dal is turning into the largest cesspool in Kashmir. It is in such an environment that Kashmir politics is moving from the direction of cold and calculated to downright sinister. “Blood has been spilt but it is time to move on” is the prescribed consensus and who gets what part of the blood money is on the agenda now.
What a dampener this message is to you as a Kashmiri Hindu; Oh when you had just become so enthused watching those glossy pictures uploaded by the last tourist to Kashmir! Or after another tourist had you sold about dreamland Kashmir, which you could visit as a pilgrim visitor to a select list of shrines prescribed by the government. Did we forget to tell you yet that the socio-politically connected elite among you would still be able to live and play host in lavish valley habitats that they have been allowed to maintain even as your childhood homes were burnt and dismantled? They seem to have earned the right to tell you gaudily that the problem is with you for not having learnt to live together even after 21 years of exile. Do not grudge them their idyllic summer resorts even as their own off-spring have become practicing world citizens, for they know how to survive in the order - or is it disorder. In this dispensation, there will be some room for some newcomers and come-lately-s too; Rs. 20 lacs (50K USD) worth, to live the rest of their lives as an endangered species in a showcase zoo. After being left to dry for 21 years post their forced exodus from the valley, the Kashmiri Hindu community is being wooed to the party, with some poor sops, more like blood money instead of justice. Is something major brewing for which this is being done, with an aim to give secular credentials to a to-be-proposed Kashmir Solution expected from the Government of India? (Click on this link, which should serve as the background for our above comments. From there, click on the No. 1 on top right to return to this page) |
The average Kashmiri Muslim can surely rejoice for what is now on the table for him. 21 years of the so called struggle have retarded the native culture of Kashmir and left the common folk far behind the progress made by the wide world. Some may feel that this is your opportunity to legitimize the “struggle” which kept about half a million Kashmiri Hindus bereft of their homes and homeland, still keep it that way and yet find an equal footing in today’s global order and economy. Yes, you too have suffered perilously out of ignorance brute but do you honestly feel that you can be a part of the free world without ensuring restorations of the freedoms that are due to others. Should you not propose and help deliver a fair solution for them as you would propose for yourselves if you were in their situation?Should the Kashmiri Muslims not in this your historic moment turn honestly secular and take honest charge with the best of your men and women? The world has to see you as a fair people, who do seek fairness for others as they seek for themselves. The socio-political elite among you though have already recovered nicely and made good considerably after some initial setbacks that they faced due to the advent and power-gain of foreign born terrorists. The leadership space created by the India powered military machine through neutralizing of the foreign-born terrorists gave them control over the territory as well as access to coffers kept at their disposal by the Governments of India and Pakistan, each seeking to push an agenda. Seeing is believing, it is said. (Without much ado, let me request you to click on this link that will show you the insides of the murkiness, that is separatist politics. From there click on the No. 1 to return to this page) Surely the travails of the past should not hold back the flights to the future. But then as an honest secular of any religion or community, do you not see the need for a real solution which fulfills at least the most legitimate aspirations of all the people of Jammu and Kashmir state; Kashmir Valley Muslims (Sunnis and Shiyas), Jammu Muslims, Gujjars, Dogras, Ladakhis, Kashmiri Hindus… ? Should one group’s desires alone be allowed dominance, just to allow return of the prodigal at the cost of the domicile?It is understandable that many common Kashmiris as well as influencers and decision makers are tired with the status-quo and want to end it in some manner. But for Kashmiri Hindus, merely accepting small gestures or persuading others to do so may not assure a permanent solution, even a long term one. The separatists will make their presence felt again if the domiciles are left weak and vulnerable. |
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Writing an editorial article is a most technical form of writing. It helps readers thinking about the topic that editor has chosen. Well written editorial article Arun ji.
Added By Chandra ganju