New Year's Eve and the "Morning After"
To begin with, please accept these “Wishes for a joyful New Year of Daily Celebrations” from all of us at Shehjar.
And what meaning might the New Year hold for us?
New Years feels like one’s own birthday, it is the same way for any.
So New Year’s Eve is a huge celebration, with a common cake for many.
Separate toasts for many a reason, raised hands in cheer.
Hugs and kisses are shared, even strangers seem dear.
There are two scenarios that connect with the beginning of the New Year; The Evening Before and the Morning After.
The Evening Before
Wish lists may not be the same but New Year usually means the same to people; another beginning in our lives. There is hope for a fresh start and a zest to give one’s best. It is an opportunity to fix wrongs and expel fear and anxiety. People make resolutions and wish to rise above little things. Youthful feelings overcome us and we the merry souls put away thoughts of sorrow. After all, the old year is moving out and the new one will come in tomorrow.
And then at the midnight hour, we have that loud “New Year’s cheer of joy” accompanied by the feeling of, “It is going to be happily ever after.”
The Morning After
New Years’ day feels a little different from any other day. Plus, it is now a holiday many places. So people are inclined to go over their lives in their minds. Also to plan, draw up lists of things to be done and so on. But in eventual consideration, most of us only end up penning our old manner on a new calendar. This is because even after the exuberance of the previous evening, on the very first day of the New Year, we somehow become afraid of failure and hence set targets well within our comfort zone; Let us call this the “Morning after Effect”. The result of this could be that the pattern of an earlier year would repeat itself, at the least for many of us.
One could try a couple of remedies to beat the “Morning after Effect”, maybe these will work!
- Step outside the comfort zone of doing only what one likes to do; that is in case one feels a scope or need for improvement or change.
- Persist with the process of change once one has initiated it. New Year’s first day is not the only important day of the year and if it does not work out right away what one resolved to do, let it not be the end of trying.
Finally, while you are drawing up your “To Do” list for the New Year, the following quotes may provide some assistance:-
"I will seek elegance rather than luxury, refinement rather than fashion. I will seek to be worthy more than respectable, wealthy and not rich. I will study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly. I will listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with an open heart. I will bear all things cheerfully, do all things bravely, await occasions and hurry never. In a word I will let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common."
-- William Ellery Channing
“Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Let me begin with an ode to our homes in Kashmir.
Our beautiful house, our home
Of many storeys, of wood and stone
Inside mud walls strengthened with hay
Outside tall and imposing in its own way
A storey to host a few hundred at a time
With views in all directions was the summer favorite of mine
And another one to stock anything and everything for years
Took care of winter fears
Cold cement floors rendered suitable by layers of cover
Mats, Dhurries then carpets over
Tin roof slope wouldn’t let the snow stay
But other visitors, we had every day
Goodbye to my home, I wouldn’t say
As I lost sight of it that day
I will be back I always thought
Right till the day it was taken as bought
All my possessions I lost; my many books, my table, my chair
Radio, TV, Fridge, Stereo, the Speaker Pair
My bed, cupboard, sofa, safe, silver dish
But truly and irreplaceably, our old pictures and mementoes, I miss
There is no loss, bigger than the loss of one’s homeland.” Euripides
A person who is respectful towards his land, civilization and language, attains greatness and he acquires all the happiness of life. His deeds should be such that makes the motherland, the culture and language proud.”
Rig Veda
Missing home or even in case you are not. Kashmirgroup is the watercove of the Kashmiri community and Shehjar is your getaway to Kashmir. Shehjar is teamwork. Shehjar is collaboratively building a vision for our Kashmiri community as well as a reflection of Kashmiri culture, news and views to the world. The Real Kashmir, Our Kashmir, has a lot to offer to the world and so it would be a win-win situation for all.
Shehjar has management and operational teams, some existing but mostly planned - for the management and working of its various functions; Management Board, Editorial Board, Core Content and Information Panels, Regional Representative Panels, Technical and Programming Committee, Design and Layout specialists, Advertising-Business Development team members. Yet, the goal is and will remain Achievement through simplicity and togetherness.
No individual or group exclusions. All move in step. In fact Shehjar motto is Research, Broadcast, With Equality – Impartially. Shehjar is what it is due to your contribution and support. As Shehjar grows, its needs will grow and even more will be expected from you. Please let us know at how you could contribute.
Shehjar is a dream – a dream project of our Kashmiri community. Its success is in your hands. As it succeeds, we will have our history documented and culture propagated. We will all win. Your feedback and advice is important. Please let the present volunteers know your opinion and what could be done to enhance Shehjar. Email us at
Most importantly, Shehjar wants our kids and young adults to get involved in a big way. We believe that you are the ones who will run the show and make our future.
Kahlil Gibran said and we believe:
Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but are not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
But seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
So all our kids, come on board. All young adults, our youth, come on board strongly and meaningfully. The email address to contact still is
In conclusion, we wish you success in implementing your plans and resolutions. However, if you slack for a bit please persist. After all New Year’s first days still carry some of the previous year’s hangover. Let the wisdom and experience of every day increase the resolve for the next day and increasingly so, till eventually you succeed. Every day has the potential for an amazing achievement and every day is the best for beginning the process.
With many thanks for our times together so far
And for the times together to come
On Behalf of the Shehjar Editorial Board
Arun Koul