Waliw Koshur HeChav
वलिव कोशुर ह्येछव
सबक़् ग्रन्द आऽठ ८
Lesson No 8
Dear Learners & Friends,
सान्यव रफ़ीक़व तु॒ दोस्तव/ म्येत्रव्
Loal Bo'rut Maaya
त्वहि सोन लोल-बो॑रुत-माय
Love filled with higher sentiments/emotions.
We appreciate your learning quest for the Koshur--Kashmiri Language. Indeed, this is very grand language, and you can appreciate the beauty of the language, when you speak Koshur in your homes, in social gatherings with friends, who can speak Koshur, and always take pride in "Each One Teach One Kashmiri Program".Communicate with your parents and grand parents in Kashmiri, about the lesson you have learnt so far. Get a feed back from them.
Today, we have chosen to communicate the following words on this E-Communication system. These words are about colors.
वलिव त्येलि हेछव अज़ रन्गन रंगन हुन्दि नाव।
Let us learn about colours/colors.
Lesson No1 |
**About the Authors Jaya Sibu writes in Hindi and Kashmiri. She is the recipient of Bhagwan Gopinath Research Fellowship. Some of his Kashmiri poems have been translated by Amrita Pritam in Hindi. Before migration, she served as a Senior Teacher in Kashmir. She also has a Diploma in Domestic sciences. Chaman Lal Raina has specialized in the teaching of Hindi. He taught " Research Methodology Course" at the University of Kashmir and "Teaching of Hindi" to the B.Ed Students, through Distance Education Program . His Monograph on "Kshemendra" in Kashmiri has been published by the Sahitya Academy, New-Delhi, India. He writes in Hindi, Kashmiri, Sanskrit and English. |
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