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![]() Agencies : Washington, Tue Nov 20 2012, 12:53 hrs Florida city names Nov 17 as Kashmiri Hindu Heritage Day ![]() The proclamation in this regard was issued by Andre Pierre, Mayor of the City of North Miami - one of the largest cities in South Florida. "We in North Miami, which has such a wonderful diversity, are glad that we are part of this function that showcases Kashmiri Hindu culture," Pierre said as he handed the proclamation to the city's Kashmiri community. The proclamation noted that 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus were dislodged by acts of terrorism and many of them migrated to the USA and today 22 years later, a majority of them have not returned to their place of birth due to fear but have retained and preserved their 5000 year old art, culture and cuisine. A function in this regard was sponsored and organised by author Chandramukhi Ganju, with the support of Kashmir Hindu Foundation and North Miami Library. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/florida-city-names-nov-17-as-kashmiri-hindu-heritage-day/1033626
PTI A Florida city has declared November 17 as the ‘Kashmiri Hindu Heritage Day’, in recognition of the resilience of Kashmiri Hindus who were displaced from their homeland two decades back. The proclamation in this regard was issued by Andre Pierre, Mayor of the City of North Miami one of the largest cities in South Florida. “We in North Miami, which has such a wonderful diversity, are glad that we are part of this function that showcases Kashmiri Hindu culture,” Pierre said as he handed the proclamation to the city’s Kashmiri community. The proclamation noted that 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus were dislodged by acts of terrorism and many of them migrated to the USA and today 22 years later, a majority of them have not returned to their place of birth due to fear but have retained and preserved their 5000 year old art, culture and cuisine. A function in this regard was sponsored and organised by author Chandramukhi Ganju, with the support of Kashmir Hindu Foundation and North Miami Library.PTI We in North Miami, which has such a wonderful diversity, are glad that we are part of this function that showcases Kashmiri Hindu culture. http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-in-school/north-miami-names-nov-17-as-kashmiri-hindu-heritage-day/article4117498.ece
17 नवंबर यानी ‘कश्मीरी हिंदू हेरिटेज डे' 1990 के दशक में अपने घर से विस्थापित होने को मजबूर हुए कश्मीरी हिंदुओं के प्रति एकजुटता प्रदर्शित करने के लिए फ्लोरिडा सिटी ने 17 नवंबर को ‘कश्मीरी हिंदू हेरिटेज डे’ घोषित कर दिया है. दक्षिण फ्लोरिडा के सबसे बड़े शहरों में से एक उत्तरी मियामी शहर के मेयर आंद्रे पियरे ने इस संबंध में घोषणा पत्र जारी किया. पियरे ने शहर के कश्मीरी समुदाय को इस संबंध में घोषणा पत्र सौंपते हुए कहा, 'उत्तर मियामी में हम इस समारोह का हिस्सा बनकर काफी खुश हैं, जिसमें कश्मीरी हिंदू संस्कृति का प्रदर्शन हुआ. यह शहर में अनूठी विविधता है.' घोषणा पत्र में उल्लेख किया गया है कि आतंकवाद के कारण 500,000 कश्मीरी हिंदुओं को अपना घर बार छोड़ना पड़ा और उसमें से कई अमेरिका आए. आज 22 साल बाद भी उनमें बहुत सारे लोग डर से अपने जन्मस्थल नहीं लौटे लेकिन अपनी 50000 साल पुरानी कला, संस्कृति और पाक शैली को संरक्षित और बहाल रखा. http://aajtak.intoday.in/story/florida-city-names-nov-17-as-kashmiri-hindu-heritage-day-1-713655.html 137 years in print The proclamation was issued by Andre Pierre, Mayor of the City of North Miami, one of the largest cities in South Florida. “We in North Miami, which has such a wonderful diversity, are glad that we are part of this function that showcases Kashmiri Hindu culture,” Mr Pierre said as he handed the proclamation to the city's Kashmiri community. The proclamation noted that 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus were dislodged by acts of terrorism and many of them migrated to the USA and today 22 years later, a majority of them have not returned to their place of birth due to fear, but have retained and preserved their 5,000 year old art, culture and cuisine. A function in this regard was sponsored and organised by author Chandramukhi Ganju, with the support of Kashmir Hindu Foundation and North Miami Library. pti http://www.thestatesman.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=431598&catid=36 |
Florida city names Nov 17 as Kashmiri Hindu Heritage Day |
![]() Florida city names Nov 17 as Kashmiri Hindu Heritage DayLast Updated: Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 12:02
http://www.newzstreet.tv/ns/node/153417 |
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![]() http://news.in.msn.com/international/article.aspx?cp-documentid=251458850 |
![]() http://www.dailyexcelsior.com/web1/12nov20/newsupdate.htm |
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![]() http://post.jagran.com/kashmiri-hindu-day-observed-in-florida-1353397097 |